Monday, March 5, 2012

new things

so i have some friends that decided that i needed to watch Doctor Who. so we had a Doctor Who marathon night. we watched all of season one and like 4 episodes of season 2. so...i'm now hooked...forever. so i thought that i would kiss whats left of my social life goodbye while i have the chance because i have the links to watch Doctor Who online. so for awhile if i post at all it will probably be about Doctor Who. a random thing i saw the phantom of the opera's 25th anniversary show at the Royal Albert Hall on TV, and i must say that it was very good. i enjoy phantom A LOT and just about died when i heard that it was going to be on tv. and it was really good aside from the stupid commercials! but yeaaaaaa.....i am a happy little nerd. :]

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Free Movies!

well my family has comcast and every now and then they have these free promotions. we got showtime movies on demand for free jan 6-8. just like the commercials say. my mom, papa and i watched The King's Speech. and that was a pretty good movie. how i longed to give some of the characters a good smack though. but i get really into things i suppose. people say that i am easily a puppy. but anyway. after that my papa and i watched Inglorious Bastards. and holy cow i forgot how gory that movie is. like i remember going to see it pretty close to when it came out. but for some reason i only really remembered the funny parts. and i told my papa that it was a comedy. boy was i wrong. i mean parts of it are very funny, my papa and i both thought that Brad Pitt did a really good job in the movie. but yea that was fun with my papa. and now later today we are gunna watch one of the BEST movies ever. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. XD i got the special extended editions of all three movies! and since only he and i like those kinds of movies i asked him if he wanted to watch them with me. so we are going to have a movie day later today!! :D

Saturday, January 7, 2012


i haven't been on here since 2011...its now 2012! i actually forgot that i had these! so now that i remember i think i will try and keep them more updated! cuz i now have more things to talk about. (i think)